Day 4 Part 1

Before this week, I normally wake up very early, drink a large bottle of Propel, make a pot of half-caff coffee, then eat several handfuls of Corn Chex (because using your hands instead of a bowl means there are fewer calories in the cereal, right? no)
I love fruit, but it doesnt fill me up unless its an entire watermelon or cantaloupe. Today I mixed it up. What you see above is eclectic: banana, papaya, guava (I found some in a can and drained the juice) and half an avocado. I normally wouldnt eat that much avocado, but since I am drastically reducing my fat intake this week, half a small fruit is probably a good idea. Its filling, full of unsaturated fats and mixes well with the sweeter fruit.

These are baggies of frozen turkey that my husband Josh shot last spring. The meat is in the oven right now and I plan to make several dishes later in the day.
How is it going for everyone else?

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