Are sodas really that bad for you

I know the answer to this, but unfortunately I am addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper. After doing the HCG Diet, I basically weaned myself off the sweet poison. It is definitely not recommended on Phase 2 or 3 of the diet.
Then one day at a restaurant ordered a tall glass of ice cold, bubbly goodness. I did it without thinking, and as soon as I took the first sip, I couldnt put the glass down until it was gone.

The worst part was that it didnt seem to have an affect on my weight. Thats right... that was the worst part. Do let me explain, Ive maintained my ending weight pretty well. So when I noticed soda wasnt causing me problems on the scale, I completely relapsed   For a whole week after drinking my first glass, I would turn to Diet Dr. Pepper whenever I was having a rough day. The initial hit off the carbonation on my throat was heavenly, but the relapse consequences still havent gone away.

Drinking soda, even just a couple times a weeks has some weird effects on my body. Unfortunately those include:
-Dry Skin
-Back pain
-Trouble sleeping
-Skin disease flare ups

Youd think that list would be enough to make me quit drinking soda, but here are 4 more reasons I found from doing some personal research.

Soda Destroys Your Teeth. The acidity of these beverages erodes enamel and can also turn them from white to gray or yellow.

Soda consumption is linked to osteoporosis.
The ingredients sodium and phosphorus interfere with your bodys ability to absorb calcium.

Soda contains some sketchy ingredients. Im not a fan of BVO or Aspartame, unfortunately many sodas contain these ingredients that have caused controversies in the health industry.

Soda is a silly thing to spend money on. If I drink 3 sodas a day every day of the week, Im spending nearly $20 a week. I can use that to buy new clothes! What a waste of money...

What do you think about soda? What tips would you give someone trying to kick the habit?

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