Alternatives to a steak day

Stabilizing on the HCG diet can be incredibly frustrating. One day youre down half a pound and the next day youre up 3/4 of a pound. Sometimes one type of cheese makes you gain and a different type doesnt. Unlike phase 2, where stepping on the scale was rewarding and exciting, weigh-ins for phase 3 can be disappointing and stressful.

I can relate to the frustration. After my first round of HCG, going into maintenance was a breeze. I ate healthy and exercised and even lost 5 lbs.

 Maybe it was naive of me to assume my second round of maintenance was going to be the same. Imagine my surprise when I stepped on the scale this morning to find that Im up 2.2 lbs from my Phase 2 ending weight.

Dr. Simeons protocol states that the morning you see a gain over 2 lbs to do a steak day. Well, steak days arent always possible. For instance, this morning I didnt have any steak. And what if youre like my friend Ali who is doing the diet and doesnt eat steak.

Ive heard of some alternatives to the traditional steak day, but I wanted to see for myself what options were out there. Alternatives to steak days are often called correction days. From the research I did, it seems like the egg day is the most common and the one that people seemed to see the best results with.

What is a steak day?
The day you see youve gained over 2 lbs from your Phase 2 ending weight, you eat nothing for breakfast or lunch. For dinner you have a large steak (no weight is specified, but Im assuming 10 oz or more), and either a raw apple or a raw tomato. Water is to be consumed in large quantities throughout the day.

What are the alternatives?
Egg Day- For this, you eat 10 eggs through the day. You can cook them however you please, just avoid adding too many toppings. During an egg day you should also drink a lot of water.

High Protein Day- This alternative has a little more variety than the egg day. For breakfast you eat two eggs. Lunch you eat 6 oz of chicken and a green vegetable. For dinner you can either eat 6 oz of steak or fish with a green vegetable. This purpose of this day is to keep things simple, avoid toppings and dairy.

Steak & Cheese Day- This is for people who arent quite over the 2 lb mark but are headed there. For breakfast you eat two eggs, for lunch you eat a huge steak, for dinner you eat a large helping of cheese.

Notice the trend?
It seems like the key to Phase 3 correction days is high protein. Have you tried a correction day that isnt listed here? Did it work for you?

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