5 S M A R T ways to achieve your weight loss goals

In a previous post, I talked about 7 goals for my third round of HCG, which will start Friday. For me, setting goals is incredibly motivating. I am a competitive person. Setting goals up for myself is like a game. I fixate on those goals until they are achieved. 

Lately however, I havent felt very motivated with my diet. Ive put on a couple pounds in maintenance, and Im worried about this bad behavior carrying over to my next round. In order to combat that concern, I decided to research goal setting. I want to know the best way to make my goals attainable.

Ive heard about Paul Meyers S.M.A.R.T. principle before, and when it turned up in my research on dumblittleman.com. I figured I needed to refresh my memory on the subject and figure out a way to document the steps. 

Here are the 5 ways to make your goals "smart." 

Make them SPECIFIC
Instead of just saying, "I want to lose weight," be more specific. Say, "I want to lose 30 pounds on my next round of HCG." The specific number brings the goal to life. Instead of a vague destination, you know exactly where you want to end up. 

Tracking progress is essential reaching your goals. Its amazing how seeing your progress written down can motivate you to continue. How are you going to track your goal? Measuring on the scale and with a tape measure is great, but dont forget to track those numbers somewhere accessible.

This step is all about being realistic. You can set a specific goal that you can measure, but if it isnt attainable, you wont reach your goal no matter how specific or measured it is. For this section say something about why your specific goal is going to work. For example, "I average 1-2 pound losses in my rounds and I will be dieting for 30 days. My goal is 30 pounds."
Make them RELEVANT
When setting a goal make sure you know what youre doing and why youre doing it. What will this change and why is it important? If youre trying to lose weight yours might say, "I am pre-diabetic and losing weight will help prevent diabetes" 

By creating a deadline for your goals, you create a sense of urgency and importance. Make this deadline realistic and specific. "I want to lose 30 pound by Thanksgiving of this year" is a great example! Set up countdowns to this deadline and hold yourself accountable. 

I created a simple chart to document these steps. My example chart is below. Its hand written, but hopefully it gives a general idea of how to use the chart. 

If you would like a PDF version of this chart, feel free to e-mail me at lowery@hcgdiet.com. 

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